Turnip Milan Red Top

Was: €2.75
Now: €1.50
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Turnip 'Milan Red Top' is a classic Italian heirloom variety known for its distinctive appearance and delicious flavor. Some key features of this turnip include:

  • Flat, round roots with a smooth, creamy-white skin and bright purple shoulders
  • Pure white, fine-grained flesh that is sweet, mild, crisp and succulent
  • A strap-leaved variety that matures quickly, making it ideal as an early crop or 'catch crop'
  • Thrives in cool weather, with an optimal growing temperature range of 5-24°C (40-75°F)
  • Best harvested when the roots are small and tender, before hot weather causes them to become woody
  • Can be sown in spring for an early summer harvest or in late summer for a late autumn/early winter crop
  • Leaves are edible and can be eaten raw in salads or cooked like other greens

'Milan Red Top' is highly ornamental with its contrasting colors, and the roots are versatile in the kitchen. They can be eaten raw, grated into salads, or cooked in various ways such as boiling, roasting, or mashing. The leaves are also nutritious and have a slightly sweet flavor when young.

Seeds per pack 500.