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Phacelia tanacetifolia is a fast growing hardy green manure that germinates at low temperatures and is ideal for sowing from March until September. Produces masses of bulk lasting well into winter. Bees love the flowers. 200g

Sow Months: April-Oct
Field Rate: 10-15kg/ha (Depending on objective)
Horticulture Rate: 1kg covers 600m²
  • Will grow up to 1m in height.
  • Is tolerant of cold temperatures and may over-winter if it's not too cold.
  • Suits most soil types but is particularly good in dry ones.
  • Phacelia has beautiful scented purple/blue flowers with dense fern-like foliage.
  • It smothers weeds and has an extensive root system that improves the soil structure. 
  • It flowers from 6-8 weeks after sowing.
  • Phacelia is highly attractive to honey bees, bumble bees, and hover flies, and these insects are valuable pollinators.  Hover fly larvae are voracious feeders on aphids and young caterpillars. 
  • Phacelia provides both pollen (for protein – needed for egg production) and nectar (for carbohydrates – needed for energy). 
  • Phacelia is listed as one of the top 20 honey-producing flowers. 
  • Beautiful cut flower as well.
  • If sown in August it will produce masses of growth that will last well into the Winter. This will slowly die back and can be left as a 'blanket' on the soil then dig it in in the Spring.

How to sow green manures:

  • Prepare a reasonable seed bed.
  • Broadcast you seeds. If you have a large area to cover it is a good idea to divide the seed and the land into 4 parts to avoid running out of seed.
  • Rake in and water if soil is dry.