Butternut Squash

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Now: €2.00
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Cucurbita moschata - 10 seeds


This Butternut is a traditional variety and a vining type. The fruits are crème-coloured. The fruits have a small cavity for seeds, mild flavour, and are moderately storable. After sowing, do not give the seeds too much water and make sure the soil is well fertilized. Sowing is done preferably at a soil temperature of >20oC. To prevent mice from eating the seeds, it is recommended to put a pot upside down over the seeds. Remove the pot after a week. Pay attention, mice are really fond of pumpkin seeds. It is important to harvest the pumpkins before temperatures drop below 0oC, when the leaves are withered and the stem is dry. The pumpkins will be preserved best when surroundings are dry and not too cold.

Plant spacing    :   150x70 cm
Position    :   sun / semi-shade
Plant height    :   40-60 cm