Bee Meadow Mix - Perennial 200G

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Perennial Bee Meadow 91% Organic

A fantastic mix of flower seeds to attract bees all season long. The meadow will provide both pollen and nectar to maintain hive health.  All the flowers chosen produce high quality pollen. There are no brassicas in the mix.  Although brassicas produce a lot of pollen the full grown plants are very vigorous and will out compete the other flowers.  Brassica rich honey also crystallizes very quickly making extraction a problem.  Our Bee Meadow perennial mix contains 22 different varieties - enough for even the most fussy of bees!

Perennial bee meadow ingredients -

8% Crimson Clover *,  5% Caraway *,  10% Sainfoin *, 10% Buckwheat *, 3% Cornflower , 8% Coriander * , 3% Black Medic,  6% Alfalfa *, 3% Red Clover (d) *, 6% Sunflower *,  2% Black Cumin*, 5% Marigold Calendula * , 2% Dill *,  5% Borage,  1.5% Yarrow,  6% Phacelia *,  1.5% Wild Carrot,  5% Bokharaklee* , 0.5% Poppy, 0,5% Common Corn-cockle *, 4% White clover, 1% Chinese Mallow, 4% Serradella*.


  • 200g per 80m2

How to sow the bee meadow -

  • Performs best in a sunny location.
  • Bare soil should be cultivated (harrowed/rotivated) to ensure that the young seeds can root easily. Where weeds or grass dominate the ground should be ploughed in autumn and soil cultivation should take place in spring before sowing the flowermeadow. Do not apply any fertiliser. It is important to remove potentially competing weeds (e.g. dock weed, nettles, etc.) before sowing.
  • Sow in spring or autumn in a well raked bed with fine crumble soil.  Scatter seed,
  • Rake lightly and firm down well. 
  • Water for first couple of weeks. 
  • Flowers May-October.
  • The meadow should be cut about 5cm high in September. The grass cuttings should dry on the meadow to allow remaining seeds to fall on to the ground. After some days carefully remove the dried foliage. During the flowering period the meadow should not be used as flowers will not recover when compacted by walking.